Kyoto Imperial Palace, Japan
Deborah is an 11 year veteran of Era. She is the lady who pays our bills ...on time. Which is why she is loved SO MUCH; by our suppliers. This is her first exposure to our calendar. What a shot! Very nice Deborah.

Queenstown Botanical Gardens, New Zealand
Enzed is killing it this year. Two photos from the Land of The Long White Cloud. I’ve taken the same shot, from the same spot. Hugh did a better job.

Niagara Falls, Canada
Alex loves Canada. Canada loves Alex. A beautiful photo, of a beautiful spot. It’s Canada, right Alex, NOT the good ol’ USA ? Another milestone.. This is the FIRST year, without a photo of Samos. Bummer. We’ll have to make up for it, NEXT year.

Norfolk Island Australia
Kay occasionally hits the road and goes to exotic places like Samos, Turkey, even Egypt! This time it was closer to home. Even though the boat doesn’t look too exotic, it did something, for both Louise and I.

Mumbai, India
John is our New, General Manager. AND, he didn’t pull rank to get in. He got in, because Louise and I liked this shot of children in Mumbai, at play. It has a tranquil, and surreal, feel to it.

Thunderstorm in Da Nang, Vietnam
Dominic’s trigger finger must have gone numb, waiting an eternity, for the lightning to strike. Nice reflexes, Dominic.

Lake Tarawera, New Zealand
Another one of this years, photo “virgins“. And where would be our Era Calendar be, without the obligatory Kiwi shot. It’s a beautiful country, and therefore very easy, to take a good shot.

Red Square, Russia
AND ME. And why? I had read books, all my life about Red Square, the Kremlin. Karl Marx. Lenin. The GUM Department Store. And there I was, looking at THE, symbol of Russia. How to take a shot, that nobody has taken before. Impossible.

Japanese Maple, Sam’s Way, Blue Mountains, Australia
Louise and I, have a signed, sworn statement, from Chris, that he DIDN’T Photoshop, any of this. Remarkable colours. Remarkable photo.

Mt. Fagernesfjellet, Narvik, Norway
Dave normally does the EnZed shot. BUT, this year, he did one better. Norway. It was a memorable trip. A magical place to propose, to a magical girl, Sarah. In case you are wondering ..his wedding was in Fiji, and the honeymoon in Hawaii.

I went through a couple of hundred photos to find this one. Why did I like it? Alex bought me a book for Christmas— “Outliers“. In there it gives a simplistic explanation, as to why the Chinese do so well. Because they work, long, and hard, to make their daily bread.

Stockton Beach, Newcastle, Australia
Last Year, Steve and Elise went to exotic Thailand, for a holiday. This year, up the Freeway, to Stockton Beach. And what’s Stockton Beach famous for? If my memory serves me correct, Waikiki Beach, got THEIR sand, from around Stockton. Dave will check this out, on his honeymoon.