Diverse Urethanes is proud to announce that Era casting polymers will be produced locally on our plant. The reason for this is that a 10% duty has been imposed on all casting polymers having a NCO of lower than 20% originating from non-EU countries. This has placed ERA in a difficult position to compete in the market against similar products manufactured locally and those imported from the EU. After many years of dealing in the South African market Era has decided to invest locally in conjunction with Diverse Urethanes with technology and equipment to produce pre- polymers which meet the same quality standards as those manufactured in Australia. The present equipment has been modified to meet Era’s strict manufacturing protocols and new equipment with increased manufacturing capacity is already on the drawing board and with Era for approval. To ensure customers peace of mind that all products produced on our plant will also be tested by Era prior to being released in the market place. This should come as good news to customers how have enjoyed using Era’s products and to provide the market with alternative solutions.